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MoHS & Partners Sign National Health summit Aide Memoire

In any progressive-thinking institution, management must be in a position and willing to consultatively identify challenges, encourage participation to proffer ideas that speak to those challenges, present tangible recommendations, and most importantly, implement those recommendations.

The Ministry of Health & Sanitation, under its relatively new leadership, has, through the recently-concluded first-ever National Health Summit & Recognition Awards, identified the impediments to service delivery, encouraged extensive participation in addressing these roadblocks, and as a result developed an Aide Memoire that sets the  pathway for transforming healthcare delivery towards universal health coverage.

The Aide Memoire was officially signed and launched on Thursday 28th April 2022 during a press conference at the Ministry of Information & Communications. The document devises practical formulae for the implementation of the Life Stages Approach; this will see the formation of a technical working group mandated with the responsibility to come forth with a manual for the adaptation and integration of the Life Stages Approach across MoHS directorates and programmes.

Embedded also in the Aide Memoire is the agreement to implement strategic declarations (such as the Kobeibu Declaration of 2018, Galliness Declaration of 2020, and the Independent Management and Functional Review of 2021) that’ll enhance management, functional and infrastructural reforms in the health sector.     Incorporated into the Aide Memoire is also a requirement for the development of a capital investment plan, scale-up plan for the institutionalization of standards for quality of care at health care facilities.

It went further to adequately develop terms of references with timelines, provide quarterly updates, come up with concept notes, set up intersectoral working groups, devise a yearly plan of action, develop tracking matrix and designate directorates for specific roles; all with a shared motive of shaping the narrative to competently fill gaps in service delivery for universal health coverage, health security & emergencies, human resource for health & gender mainstreaming, health financing, partnership, and coordination and health management information systems. 

Of key focus was the agreement by the donors and implementing partners to now jointly plan and implement all their activities and resources in accordance with government priorities in order to prevent inefficient use of resources and uncoordinated implementation.

The signatories to this document were: the Honourable Minister of Health and Sanitation and Vice-Chair, Health Development Partners.

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