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Digital Health Coordination Unit (DHCU)

The National Digital Health Coordination Unit (DHCU) established at the Directorate of Policy, Planning and Information (DPPI) to provide overall technical leadership and programme management functions for the roadmap implementation. 

DHC Coordinator: The DHCU is headed by Regina Samuels with other personnel supporting different sub-units targeting the digital health enabling environment.

Focal Points: The digital health governance structure is replicated at the District and Directorates/programmes levels through designated Digital Health Focal Points to help the DHCU organize, implement, and coordinate digital health activities at the various levels.

Address: Principal M&E Specialist Room, DPPI, Ministry of Health , 5th Floor ,Youyi Building, Freetown

Governance structure:

Roles and responsibilities (National DHCU):

  • Provide stewardship, strategic oversight, and overall coordination of digital health implementation at all levels.
  • Be responsible and accountable for implementation of the National Digital Health Roadmap.
  • Sensitize and create stakeholders’ awareness of the National Digital Health Programme
  • Promote stakeholders’ commitment and inclusion through periodic engagements and stakeholder’s forum.
  • Support the establishment and functioning of digital health governance structures at all levels and provide supportive supervision of all digital health interventions.
  • Institutionalize a well-functioning and effective Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) system for digital health.
  • Monitor and evaluate all digital health activities and share learning with all stakeholders to ensure continuous improvement of the


Roles and Responsibilities (Digital Health Focal Points)

  • Domiciled in the respective Directorate, Programme or DHMT or Health Facility, a Digital Health FP shall be designated to serve as the desk officer or contact person for Digital Health under the supervision of the Programme Director or DMO.
  • The FP shall serve as the Contact person and channel for the Digital Health Coordinating Unit at DPPI to carry out its interventions at the Directorate or DHMT levels.
  • The FP shall manage, coordinate and be responsible for implementation of all Digital Health activities at the Directorate & Programmes and the DHMT.
  • He/She shall align, plan, and organize all Digital Health activities in line with the National Digital Health Roadmap and report to the Digital Health Coordinator.
  • Ensure establishment of Digital Health committee at all health facilities implementing digital health interventions and provide necessary support and guidance in collaboration with the National Digital Health Coordination unit.
  • Support the National Digital Health Coordination Unit in the monitoring and evaluation of all digital health interventions
  • The FP shall be incorporated into the National Digital Health Technical Working Group as may be necessary.
  • In performing its role efficiently, the FP shall seek support and collaborate with other relevant stakeholders at the Directorate and DHMT levels
  • He/She shall also perform other functions as may be necessary and expedient to support implementation of the National Digital Health Roadmap

Digital Health



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