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MoH on the right path to fighting mental health problems in Sierra Leone

This morning, Deputy Minister 1, Dr. Charles Senessie, and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Sartie Kanneh, convened the MoH’s weekly management meeting (EMC) to discuss the Mental Health Bill at Youyi Building in Freetown.

The Ministry of Health (MoH) is making significant strides in the fight against rising mental health burden in Sierra Leone with the completion of a Mental Health Bill ready to be tabled in parliament. Today, senior MoH leaders, including Deputy Minister 1, Dr. Charles Senessie, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Sartie Kanneh, reviewed the proposed Mental Health Bill and provided initial suggestions on improvement of the document.

Senior management team of MoH discussing the Mental Health Bill, provided feedback and suggestions on how to improve the said Bill before tabling it in parliament.

The Bill is very progressive, pragmatic and is in line with international standards, says Dr. Abdul Jalloh, Consultant Psychiatrist. The Bill speaks to how people with mental health conditions are treated and cared for. It spells out how the rights and dignities of persons living with mental health disorders are recognized and protected.

Dr. Carroll Labor is the Special Adviser appointed by HE the president, Julius Maada Bio, on mental health. She explains the significance of this Bill and the difference it will make in the fight against mental health issues in Sierra Leone.

Dr. Carolls’s video.


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